Poet, dramatist & nonfiction writer Cynthia Gallaher Is author of the memoir, how-to & reference "Frugal Poets' Guide to Life: How to Live a Poetic Life, Even If You Aren't a Poet," which won a National Indie Excellence Award. The Chicago Public Library lists her among the "Top Ten Requested Chicago Poets."
Thanksgiving Weekend Journal
In the Robert Moss book, The Three 'Only' Things: Tapping the Powers of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination, he cites "The Nine Powers of Dreaming:" 1. We solve problems in our dreams. 2. Dreams coach us for future challenges and opportunities. 3. Dreams hold up a magic mirror to our actions and behavior. 4. Dreams show us what we need to do to stay well. 5. Dreams are a secret laboratory. 6. Dreams are a creative studio. 7. Dreams help us mend our divided selves. 8. Dreaming is a key to better relationships. 9. Dreams recall us to our larger purpose.
And when we journal dreams on a consistent basis, perhaps for a two or three-week trial period, we may see a pattern develop that can help give us greater insight into that "other" side of ourselves.
◦Why journal your dreams?
Writing the Seen and the Unseen
Rescript Your Life Journal Writing Workshop
True Person of No Rank & Journaling
Noshing around Montreal
Microbrews from Vermont and New York State
Writers visit to the Vermont Studio Center
Homemade Corn Tortillas at New England Culinary Institute
100 Memories Travel Journal
Journal writing experience at Carnegie Library
Mushroom poem on food reporter blog
Let Wabi-Sabi Happen in Your Journal
Catch journal writing interview on YouTube
Dialogue with Persons
Keep a Da Vinci Notebook
Dialogue with Creative Work
Write a Letter That Can't Be Delivered